EscrowTab is a patented solution that digitally captures the signer's forensically verifiable handwritten signature on loan and title documents. We take in raw PDF documents automatically identify signature fields, preparing the document for electronic signing.
Make the jump to digital speed.

eClosings with forensically verifiable hand written signatures.
Upload your documents.
Securely upload your documents into EscrowTab and assign to a notary signing agent. The notary signing agent is notified, and the documents are immediately ready for signing.

Sign and notarize.
The notary signing agent meets with the signer where both parties sign with their handwritten signatures on the tablet. Real time document edits can be made during the signing, just like paper.

Deliver the documents.
Documents are validated to ensure there are no mistakes or missing signatures. Documents never leave the security of our eVault and can only be accessed through the EscrowTab-enabled tablet.
And no need for the notary signing agent to FedEx the original documents as the original authoritative version of the documents are immediately available in our eVault saving time and money.
Boston National Title implemented The EscrowTab IPEN solution because it's the technology that we as a title company have been waiting for to provide eClosings to our customers.
It's been battle-tested in the mortgage industry and doesn't disrupt the current process of mortgage closings - it simply adds technology to the processes that lenders have in place, by enabling borrowers to use their handwritten signatures to sign closing documents on a tablet.